Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Listening to music is an important , play a song properly a student needs to be familiar with the notes. The song should be listened to a minimum of 4 times. I often play a song that we will be learning in other classes. I'll play the song in the background. It is important that they listen to the song played as perfectly as possible which means a digital or professional track of the song is much better that listening to someone who is only still learning to play the song. If listened to enough, the song will be received
The second step is to read the music. At first a student will have to look up notes on a note guide, but with practice this will become automatic. Finding the notes can be easy if note guides are clear and easy to use. Any music shop will offer a variety of choices.

The third step is the most obvious one; playing the instrument. When an instrument is played, it should be played along with an accompanying CD or experienced player. This will help us play in tune and in rhythm. Repeated playing along with a model version of the song will encourage a high level of skill.

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